It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/27/2021 #imwayr


Last Monday, I quickly posted my #imwayr entry late, late Sunday evening. Then I walked away from my computer almost the entire week to bake, watch movies, finish wrapping presents, and to send out the last of our local cards (mostly just hand-delivered cards since they’re neighbors and I wanted to make sure they made it before Christmas). And then we watched our entire family get sick, one-by-one, like dominos. We’ve had everything from stomach bugs to respiratory crud to headaches to severe ear aches to entire body aches. We had to take one of the kiddos to the ER on Christmas Eve and again to the doctor’s office this morning, so we’ve now been prescribed a steroid, antibiotics, and a few other OTC meds. I’m hopeful that we’ll all be turning the corner, soon.

So… today I’m catching up on my blog reading from last week. As you can see from the image at the very top of this post, I enjoyed reading 13 picture books this week, mostly Christmassy or wintry books, both new and old favorites. We visited the library once to pick up some books on hold and I also finished one more book on my #MustReadin2021 list, Six of Crows. That means I’m finally on my very last book of the yearly “must read” list. 🎉

If this is your first visit to my blog, welcome! Today is Monday, and I regularly participate in a weekly #IMWAYR meme. Kellee Moye of Unleashing Readers and Jen Vincent of Teach Mentor Texts decided to give Kathryn’s (at Book Date) “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” meme a kidlit focus, reviewing books in children’s literature (picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, or anything in the world of kidlit). If you enjoy this type of reading, join us every Monday to share what you’ve been reading!

23437156Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This was my 48th book on my list of 49 and WOW was it enjoyable. It’s a fast-paced, sci-fi fantasy that takes place during a heist. Bardugo really gets into the heads of each character so we can see it all laid out – the history, the strengths, the weaknesses, the pride, the love, and the unspoken needs. There’s leadership, magic, betrayal, loss, and I kept forgetting that all this was taking place with characters who were still in their late teens. There’s a pretty big cliffhanger at the end of this one, so I will have to get to book #2 of this series just as soon as possible.

You can add it to your Goodreads list HERE.
If you do not have a local bookstore, you may purchase it through IndieBound HERE.
You may also choose to purchase it through Amazon HERE.

Currently Reading/To Be Read:


I am still working on Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliott Friedman and it’s working well with some of the ancient history the kids and I have been studying this last semester. That title sounds so bland, but it’s misleading. I really hope to finish it by this weekend to meet my reading goals for 2021. I also received a few boxes of new picture books about two weeks ago, so I’ll be slowly working on those this week, as well.


Reading Challenge Updates: 

Goodreads Challenge:  286/365
#MustReadIn2021: 48/49

What are YOU reading?

One thought on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 12/27/2021 #imwayr

  1. Shaye, I am so, so sorry that you spend Christmas with practically your entire family sick with all kinds of different things! I hope y’all are starting to feel better now, and I hope you were still able to enjoy your holiday. The picture books you’ve been reading look delightful, and I’ve heard great things about Six of Crows, so I’m glad to hear that it lived up to expectations! And Who Wrote the Bible? sounds really interesting as well. Thanks so much for the wonderful post, and good luck reading your last #MustReadin2021 book—you’re so close!


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